Infusing Culture Into Oncology Research on Quality of Life

Kimlin T. Ashing-Giwa

Marjorie Kagawa-Singer

ONF 2006, 33(1), 31-36. DOI: 10.1188/06.ONF.S1.31-36

Purpose/Objectives: To review the literature relevant to understanding culturally informed oncology research, particularly as it relates to health-related quality of life.

Data Sources: Published articles and books.

Data Synthesis: A cultural perspective to the prevailing theory and research methods used in oncology research with respect to quality of life is imperative. A multidimensional and practical framework can be applied to increase cultural competence in research by addressing the purpose of the research, theoretical framework, and methodologic approaches.

Conclusions: Culturally competent, multicultural research will help the scientific community better comprehend disparities that exist in health-related quality of life so that benefits can be experienced by all patients.

Implications for Nursing: Nursing practice and research must continue its leadership role to infuse cultural competence and reduce disparities in the healthcare system.

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