Art Intervention With Family Caregivers and Patients With Cancer

Sandra M. Walsh

Sharlene Weiss

ONF 2003, 30(6), E115-E120. DOI: 10.1188/03.ONF.E115-E120

Purpose/Objectives: To describe the implementation and preliminary evaluation of an art intervention at the bedsides of patients with cancer and their family caregivers.

Data Sources: Field notes from ongoing encounters with family caregivers and patients with cancer, research literature, and descriptions of other programs.

Data Synthesis: An "Art Infusion" intervention was developed and offered to family caregivers and patients with cancer during treatment at a comprehensive cancer center. Training of interventionists, timing and delivery of the intervention, and the availability of art activity choices were key factors in the intervention's success.

Conclusions: Family caregivers and patients with cancer are interested in and responsive to art interventions. Additional research is needed to quantify the effects.

Implications for Nursing: Art interventions enhanced and extended the scope of care for family caregivers and patients with cancer. Nurses are in key positions to establish, supervise, and promote such interventions.

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