
Day Surgery for Breast Cancer: Effects of a Psychoeducational Telephone Intervention on Functional Status and Emotional Distress

Nicole C. Allard

postoperative, pain, fatigue, distress, interventions
ONF 2007, 34(1), 133-141. DOI: 10.1188/07.ONF.133-141

Purpose/Objectives: To determine the efficacy of a nursing intervention based on self-regulation theory known as the Attentional Focus and Symptom Management Intervention (AFSMI) in enhancing physical and emotional well-being in women who underwent day surgery for breast cancer.

Design: Randomized clinical block trial; subjects were randomly allocated to the experimental group (n = 61) or the usual care (control) group (n = 56). Subjects in the experimental group received the AFSMI during two phone sessions, at 3-4 days and 10-11 days after surgery.

Setting: The convenience sample was drawn from five regional centers located in different geographic areas (urban and rural regions) in Quebec, Canada.

Sample: 117 patients with primary breast cancer who underwent day surgery as part of their initial treatment for cancer.

Methods: Data collection and nursing intervention via telephone interviews.

Main Research Variables: Functional status and emotional distress.

Findings: Significant differences between the experimental and control group were found at post-test on home management, total mood disturbance, confusion, and tension scores.

Conclusions: The AFSMI was effective in reducing emotional distress and enhancing physical functioning.

Implications for Nursing: Findings validate the use of the self-regulation model in designing individualized nursing interventions. Redirecting attention and focusing on concrete objective features hold potential in developing other innovative nursing interventions.

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