
Truth in Advertising

Rose Mary Carroll-Johnson

complementary medicine, ethical conflict

One of the issues most often addressed when readers have the chance to give me feedback about the journal relates to the volume of advertising we include. The Oncology Nursing Forum (ONF) enjoys wonderful advertiser support, and readers are the direct beneficiaries of that support. Occasionally, however, a certain ad or type of ad is called into question. Over the past few months, this has been the case for one particular type of ad—those for ingestible forms of alternative and complementary medicines. After numerous deliberations and consultation with oncology nurse experts, the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Board of Directors, and A. J. Jannetti, Inc. (our advertising  representatives), the ONF Editorial Board decided to exclude ads for this category of products. A letter to the editor in this issue explains the specific concerns that were brought to our attention last fall and resulted in our deliberations and eventual decision. To date, only this product, among the many that are currently available, has been advertised in ONF. However, we anticipate an increase in requests.

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