Perceived Quality of Work Life and Risk for Compassion Fatigue Among Oncology Nurses: A Mixed-Methods Study

Ellen Giarelli, EdD, RN, CRNP; Jami Denigris, BSN, OCN®; Kathleen Fisher, PhD; MaryKay Maley, DNP, APN; and Elizabeth Nolan


Purpose/Objectives: To examine factors that influenced the nurse's perceived quality of work life and risk for compassion fatigue (CF). The specific aims of the study were to describe the (a) relationship among nurse characteristics and perceived quality of work life, (b) relationship between personal life stress and perceived quality of work life, and (c) the nurse's beliefs about his or her risk for CF.

Research Approach: A descriptive, mixed-methods study.

Setting: A hematology-oncology unit in a large urban teaching hospital in Pennsylvania.

Participants: 20 oncology nurses.

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