
Theory-Informed Models: Application to Nursing Practice

Phuong Huynh

Jill Williams

Kathleen Shannon-Dorcy

Amelia Sherinski

Annette English

Diane Heye

Sherry Joseph

Linda Ross

theoretical model of care, oncology nursing, caring, innovation
CJON 2021, 25(4), 474-478. DOI: 10.1188/21.CJON.474-478

The processes for review and confirmation of a theoretical model, its translation into current clinical practice, and the evaluation of outcomes will be presented. The authors’ experience at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance in Washington illustrates the value and relevance of theoretical models in oncology care.


  • Nursing theoretical models are essential and relevant to the ongoing innovations in oncology nursing care.
  • A theoretical model provides a foundational framework to anchor specialized oncology care and nurse identity. 
  • Nurse-led review of theoretical frameworks to inform nursing practice models can be conducted in any clinical setting. 
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