
The Effects of WeChat-Based Teach-Back Health Education on Patients With Advanced Cancer Pain

Jia Wang

Yao Liu

Jian Zong

Lixing Sun

Chao Wang

Ming Fang

cancer pain, teach-back education, remote monitoring, pain management
CJON 2024, 28(3), 287-296. DOI: 10.1188/24.CJON.287-296

Background: Providing effective health education is essential for patients with cancer-related pain. One solution is leveraging instant messaging tools for teach-back health education.

Objectives: This study investigated the effects of WeChat-based teach-back health education on patients with advanced cancer who underwent patient-controlled intrathecal analgesia implantation and used hydromorphone.

Methods: This retrospective study evaluated 150 hospitalized patients with advanced cancer pain. Patients were classified into a conventional health education group (N = 50) and a teach-back group (N = 100) based on whether they received WeChat-based teach-back health education. Pain was rated using a numeric rating scale, and sleep quality was measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index at one, two, and three months postdischarge.

Findings: Patients who received remote teach-back health education better managed their pain. Data also demonstrated improvements in patients’ sleep quality and caregiver satisfaction, and reductions in the occurrence of adverse reactions.

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