Auret, K., Roger Goucke, C., Ilett, K.F., Page-Sharp, M., Boyd, F., & Oh, T.E. (2006). Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of methadone enantiomers in hospice patients with cancer pain. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 28, 359–366.

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Study Purpose

To elucidate the pharmacology of methadone in palliative care patients with advanced cancer who have switched from morphine to methadone

Sample Characteristics

  • The sample was composed of 13 patients. Three patients did not complete the entire protocol.
  • The sample consisted of patients with cancer pain that was poorly controlled with morphine or for whom morphine caused unacceptable side effects.


  • Multisite
  • Inpatient and outpatient palliative care services
  • Perth, Western Australia

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Relationship between original serum morphine concentrations and final R- and S-methadone
  • Degree of control of cancer pain and side effects


  • Six patients achieved optimal pain control, but authors observed no obvious relationship between pain control and the plasma concentrations of either enantiomer.
  • Of all patients, 46% of those who changed from morphine to methadone experienced an improvement in pain control.


The study had a small sample size.

Nursing Implications

Further studies, to determine if methadone is better than morphine for the treatment of neuropathic pain, are warranted.